Branch Health

Holistic healing. Based in South East London, available worldwide.

Home. Jean photo_02.12.22

My name is Jean Branch and I am a Homeopath, Nutritional Advisor and QEC Practitioner.

I provide Homeopathy, Nutritional Advice and Quantum Energy Coaching (QEC) for people in Lewisham, Brockley and surrounding areas.

When I qualified as a homeopath I found a lot of my clients wanted and needed help specifically with nutrition, this led me to specialise in this area. Our nutrition is integral to our well being.

I started working with QEC when I realised that some of the conditions my clients were coming to see me with - could be helped with Homeopathy and Nutrition - but they might still find that they had blocks to their feeling better. QEC can help to move people on from past trauma, internal stress and the effect of self - limiting beliefs.

I work with all ages, adults, children and babies.


I am based in South East London, and am easily reached by either rail and DLR(Ladywell and Lewisham), bus (484,122,P4), and parking is available.

Complementary Healthcare for Businesses

I also run Complementary Healthcare for Businesses. I work with companies from their premises to provide complementary healthcare on site for employees.

If you would like more information or would like to book an appointment,
please call on: 07808940057

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